Double standards (Zhang Jun)

Condoning the continuation of fighting while claiming to care about the lives and safety of people in Gaza is self-contradictory. Condoning the continuation of fighting while advocating for the prevention of the spillover effects of the conflict is self-deceiving. Condoning the continuation of fighting while making references to the protection of women and children and human rights is hypocritical. All these once again show us what double standards are. ** 一边纵容战事延续,一边声称关心加沙民众的生命安全和人道需求,这是自相矛盾的。 一边纵容战事延续,一边主张防止冲突外溢,这是自欺欺人的。 一边把保护人权、保护妇女儿童挂在嘴边,这也是极其虚伪的。 所有这一切,让我们再次看到了什么是双重标准。